Endorsed Midwife

What led you to a career in midwifery?
I began my career as a paediatric nurse, but always found myself drawn to families with young babies and talking to them about their birth and transition to parenthood. It was then I realised I was passionate about caring for families during their lifechanging time, and wanted to help make pregnancy, birth and early parenting an empowering experience, which sets up a family for success.
What is your birth philosophy?
I believe that all women deserve evidence-based midwifery care, delivered with compassion, which empowers them to make choices that feel right to their individual circumstances. After having my own baby, I witnessed the immense physical, mental, emotional and relationship changes that can come with this transition and believe that women and families can thrive in this time with the right support. I am passionate about physiological birth, but support women to make informed choices which feel good for them, their baby and their families.
What is the most rewarding part of being a midwife?
I love getting to know women and their families through out pregnancy and sharing this transformative journey. I enjoy being able to guide women to navigating the changes, and seeing the joy that can come from welcoming a new baby.
What attracted you to be part of Western Obstetrics?
I believe that continuity of care models, like that provided through Western Obstetrics, fosters the best outcomes for women and bring great satisfaction to midwives.