

At Western Obstetrics, where we recognise the invaluable gift of breastfeeding for your baby's health and well-being. We understand that breastfeeding is often portrayed as a natural and effortless process, but the reality can be quite different. We believe in providing comprehensive support and guidance to help you navigate the challenges that can arise on your breastfeeding journey. From the early stages of lactation to establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship, our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Together, we can ensure that your baby receives the numerous benefits of your milk, not only during infancy but also throughout their life.

About Lactation at Western Obstetrics

Breastfeeding is a valuable gift you can give your baby, with the benefits of your milk promoting your baby’s health not just in infancy but later in their life. Did you know that breastfed babies receive protection from many infections including gastroenteritis, chest and ear infections. Also breastfeeding reduces a baby’s risk of SIDS, as well as overweight and obesity in childhood. To receive the full health benefits of breastfeeding it is advised that baby has only breast milk up to around 6 months when family foods are introduced.

Breastfeeding is also important investment in maternal health, reducing a woman’s risks of type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke. The benefits of breastfeeding increase over time, so the longer a mother and baby breastfeeds, the greater the level of protection for both mum and baby.

The evidence is clear that breastfeeding is an investment in the health of both mum and baby. Breastfeeding is natural, however it can take time for a new mum and baby to find their groove with breastfeeding. While no physical preparation is needed, there is a lot you can do before the birth of your baby to prepare for breastfeeding. Here are some suggestions…

  1. Talk to your partner about your plan to breastfeed and encourage them to learn about breastfeeding so they can provide help and support for you and your baby.
  2. Talk to friends and family about their breastfeeding experiences; find out what helped them in the early days and weeks.
  3. Plan for some comfortable spaces to breastfeed at home – maybe a lounge chair with low arms and a space to keep your water bottle, snacks, phone.
  4. Make a list of meals and snacks that are easy to prepare and eat with one hand – young babies love to cuddle and feed frequently in the evening!
  5. Attend our breastfeeding workshop with your support person at 30-34 weeks so you can both learn how to establish a healthy milk supply, find out about typical baby feeding patterns and learn how to position yourself and your baby for comfortable breastfeeding (Bonus points if you attend the face to face workshop where you can actually practice positioning with a baby doll!).
  6. If you have had a difficult previous breastfeeding experience, have particular worries about breastfeeding and/or have a medical condition or previous breast or nipple surgery, book in with our lactation team to make a personalised plan for breastfeeding this baby.

The most common breastfeeding problems faced in the early days and weeks are latching difficulties, sore nipples and worries about milk supply. The good news is that (like with any other health issue) getting skilled help early ie. within days of identifying a problem, means that you can access guidance and treatment rather than have the problem get worse.

Early intervention with our skilled lactation team can prevent the progression of damaged nipples and painful breasts. We can provide assessment, management and support for families dealing with baby sucking problems or tongue ties, high or low milk supply and other conditions that you may have been warned of by friends, family and the internet.

Our experienced lactation team will be happy to help you to manage any breastfeeding problems and grow in confidence. We will work with you to develop an individualised plan that works for your unique family situation.

Our lactation team are available to help with a range of breastfeeding issues that is not limited to:

  • You are unsure about whether breastfeeding is going well
  • Latching difficulties
  • Preterm or small babies
  • Slow infant weight gain
  • Low milk supply
  • Weaning from a nipple shield
  • Nipple pain / damage
  • White spot / blocked ducts / mastitis
  • Breast pain
  • Infant sucking difficulties, assessment for ankyloglossia (tongue tie)
  • Breast refusal
  • Oversupply
  • Planning for return to paid work, balancing expressing and breastfeeding
  • Use of a supplemental nursing system
  • Planning to stop breastfeeding

Please allow up to an hour for your first visit. We will take time to understand and assess your breastfeeding concern by asking about your family, your medical/surgical and mental health background, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding journey so far, and your current breastfeeding pattern. If using a breast pump and/or any lactation aids we will ask for details of these. The consult typically includes recording baby’s naked weight, examination of breasts/nipples (if indicated) and observation of a breastfeed. Where appropriate any possible investigations, treatments and/or management strategies will be discussed, and a personalised plan made with your input.

Please allow up to 40 min for your follow up visit. We will re-assess your breastfeeding concern, review any changes and achievements since the last visit, and current breastfeeding pattern. The consult typically includes recording baby’s naked weight, examination of breasts/nipples (if indicated) and observation of a breastfeed. Where appropriate the outcomes of any investigations, treatments and/or management strategies will be discussed. For continuing concerns, a revised breastfeeding plan will made with your input, otherwise anticipatory guidance and/or information re community based resources will be provided.

If you would like to book an antenatal consultation with us, please use the book appointment button above or call us on 9328 0501. Our lactation services are open to everyone and you do not need to be a patient at Western Obstetrics to access our services. Please ensure you have attended the breastfeeding workshop before attending this appointment and allow up to an hour for this visit. We will get to know you and assess your breastfeeding risk factors by asking about your family situation, your medical/surgical and mental health background, previous breastfeeding experience and pregnancy health. The consult typically includes examination of breasts/nipples (if indicated) and discussion of your breastfeeding goals. Where appropriate treatments and/or management strategies will be discussed, and a personalised written plan made with your input.

(If you are experiencing nipple pain and difficulties with latching we strongly recommend a face to face consultation)
Please allow up to 40 mins for an online consultation via a Zoom link, and plan for this to occur in a well lit room so we can clearly see you and your baby. We will take time to understand and assess your breastfeeding concern by asking about your family, your medical/surgical and mental health background, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding journey so far, and your current breastfeeding pattern. If using a breast pump and/or any lactation aids we will ask for details of these. As we are unable to examine you or your baby, the detailed questions will be important in helping us to help you. Where appropriate any possible investigations, treatments and/or management strategies will be discussed, and a personalised plan made with your input.

We want to help women achieve a comfortable and satisfying breastfeeding experience with their baby! However there are some pre-existing factors that can increase the risk of breastfeeding challenges…for these women it is useful to understand the risk and learn what can be done to get off to a great start with breastfeeding. Some of these risks include:

  • Previous breastfeeding difficulties
  • Pre-pregnancy BMI > 30.0
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Pre-existing diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Pituitary disease
  • Breast surgery (breast lift, breast reduction)
  • Nipple surgery
  • Nipple piercing that has been infected
  • No breast growth during pregnancy
  • Pregnancy induced hypertension
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Growth restricted baby

If you would like to book an antenatal consultation with us, please use the book appointment button above or call us on 9328 0501. Our lactation services are open to everyone and you do not need to be a patient at Western Obstetrics to access our services. Please ensure you have attended the breastfeeding workshop before attending this appointment and allow up to an hour for this visit. We will get to know you and assess your breastfeeding risk factors by asking about your family situation, your medical/surgical and mental health background, previous breastfeeding experience and pregnancy health. The consult typically includes examination of breasts/nipples (if indicated) and discussion of your breastfeeding goals. Where appropriate treatments and/or management strategies will be discussed, and a personalised written plan made with your input.

Absolutely! At Western Obstetrics, we strongly emphasise the significance of providing every woman with a positive and empowering start to their breastfeeding journey. Our lactation services are designed to offer advice and support to all women seeking assistance, regardless of whether or not they are patients at Western Obstetrics. We firmly believe that every woman deserves access to reliable guidance and resources, ensuring that they can navigate their breastfeeding experience with confidence and success. If you would like to book an appointment with our lactation team, please click on the book appointment button above, or call us on 9328 0501. 

Our Lactation Team

Our experienced lactation team can help with a range of breastfeeding issues, and also each have their own areas of expertise.

Dr Amy Powles

Dr Amy Powles

GP (FRACGP), Dip Child Health

Dr Amy Powles is a GP with a special interest in breastfeeding medicine and paediatrics and is currently working towards becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Amy’s passion is in helping mums and babies to breastfeed. She is available to help when mum and baby are having difficulties with feeding that require a medical assessment. Dr Powles is available to see women with:

  • Medical, surgical or mental health challenges that can impact breastfeeding such as diabetes, PCOS, pituitary disease, previous breast/nipple surgery, current anxiety or depression, postpartum haemorrhage.
  • Complicated breastfeeding issues: recurrent mastitis, chronic nipple wounds, breast abscess, ongoing oversupply.
  • Infant breastfeeding issues: growth faltering, breast refusal, unsettled babies, sucking problems, assessment of ankyloglossia (tongue tie), concerns about medical conditions such as reflux or laryngomalacia affecting feeding.
Sharon Perrella

Sharon Perrella


Sharon is a registered nurse and midwife with qualifications in paediatrics, child health and neonatal intensive care nursing. She is a former voluntary Australian Breastfeeding Association breastfeeding counsellor, qualifying as an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) in 2008 when studying towards her doctorate with the Geddes Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group at UWA. Sharon leads the lactation care team and breastfeeding research at WOBS.

Sharon’s special interests include:

  • Planning for and supporting breastfeeding after a difficult previous experience.
  • Pregnancy complications and breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding after discharge from the neonatal nursery.
  • Low milk supply.
  • Oversupply.
Heidi Thomson

Heidi Thomson


Heidi is a registered nurse and international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) with extensive experience in neonatal intensive care nursing. She has also completed post graduate studies in child and family health.

Heidi’s special interests include:

  • Breastfeeding support during the neonatal nursery stay.
  • Breastfeeding support after discharge from the neonatal nursery.
  • Breastfeeding support of low birth weight and premature babies.
  • Education of the family unit on normal newborn behaviours and expectations.
  • Equipping families to be confident in their breastfeeding journey.
  • Support of the family unit in the postnatal period
Erika van den Dries

Erika van den Dries


Erika certified as a registered nurse in 1995 and later gained qualifications in child, adolescent and community health nursing. She is a former voluntary Australian Breastfeeding Association breastfeeding counsellor, Community Child Health Nurse and Research Assistant at The Geddes Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group at UWA.

Erika initially qualified as an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) in 2012 and again in 2022, and has worked in private practice, local public Child Health Clinics and corporate providers.

  • Erika’s special interests include:
  • Antenatal education and support
  • Expressing and storing breastmilk
  • Low supply/ Too much milk
  • Breast refusal
  • Insufficient Glandular Tissue
  • Coping with sleep, crying and unsettled babies
  • Post natal depression and breastfeeding
  • Weaning
  • Working collaboratively with peer support groups
  • Lactation Research
  • Motherless mothers and its impact on breastfeeding and parenting


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