Dr Celia Worth

Dr Celia Worth is a mother of two young children who is currently completing her qualifications as a GP obstetrician. She completed her medical degree at the University if Queensland in 2008. After finishing medical school, she discovered her interest in womens’ health and went on to complete five years of speciality training in obstetrics and gynaecology, predominantly at Liverpool Hospital a busy tertiary centre in Sydney. In 2017 Celia moved to Perth and since then has been working as a career medical officer in obstetrics and gynaecology at Joondalup Hospital, a GP obstetrician at Bentley Hospital and a GP obstetrician at the founding One for Women practice in Midland since the company’s initiation. In addition to this, she is working towards completing the general practitioner speciality component across two sites under the Mead Medical banner. 

Why do you do Obstetrics?

Because it’s a unique medical specialty where you are mostly dealing with one of the happiest times in people’s lives rather than when they are sick. In addition, you have the unique opportunity to look after more than one person, you are also looking after the fathers and the baby and need to take that into account when guiding decision making or discussing aspects of the pregnancy. Finally you get to build a relationship over time as you are seeing each other regularly over about a one year duration and then hopefully into the future.

What is your birth philosophy?

To support women in their choices throughout their pregnancy and labour. I think it is important to listen to women carefully and provide them with the amount of information they require to make informed choices in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for them as an individual. It is also important to me that I ensure they feel reassured and safe throughout their pregnancy and labour. Finally, I think it’s imperative to respect and incorporate women’s past experiences, cultural and religious background and personal preferences into the whole experience.

What gives you joy?

Getting to know my patients, watching the evolution of the pregnancy and seeing the end result – a baby in mum’s arms, surrounded by her chosen support people. It is truly the happiest moment for everyone involved and each time is uniquely achieved, uniquely emotional and often with a story behind it. It still to this day, takes my breath away and I feel incredibly grateful that this is an ongoing aspect of my career path. The best part of all is that I usually continue to see my patients in the GP setting. I can assist mum with everything that entails being a mum and I get to watch the babies grow and develop! Being a mum of two young children also certainly helps with this!