Erin Connolly

What led you to a career in midwifery?

I trained to become a midwife in Ireland after having my first baby, where the continuity of care that I received made a huge impact in having a positive birth experience. 

What is your birth philosophy?

Having a baby is such a wonderful life changing experience. The potential for individual growth is colossal. I believe that women should feel empowered and supported to make informed decisions for themselves and their families and that this is the crux of maternity care. 

What is the most rewarding part of being a midwife?

As a midwife I am in a privileged position as I get to bear witness to a woman becoming a mother and a couple becoming parents. 

What attracted you to be part of Western Obstetrics?

I was drawn to work with Western Obstetrics as I feel that the entire team share the same vision off what is important in maternity care.