

Folate Deficiency and Neural Tube Defects in Pregnancy

Folate is a B group vitamin needed to protect unborn babies against serious birth defects. It is known as ‘folate’ when it is found naturally in...

Your Baby’s Movements Matter

Being aware of your baby’s movements during pregnancy is one of the easiest ways to help keep your baby safe and healthy. Regular and strong...

Exercise in pregnancy

There are many benefits of exercising in pregnancy not only physically but psychologically too. Exercise can help your body adapt to the physical changes that...

Erin Connolly

What led you to a career in midwifery? I trained to become a midwife in Ireland after having my first baby, where the continuity of...

Cherie Snell

Cherie Snell is one of our amazing administrative assistants currently working from our Balcatta location. She has previously worked as a hairdresser before changing her...

Dr Katherine Comparti

Dr Katherine Comparti is a GP Obstetrician, with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Western Australia, and Fellowship of...

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